Sunday, September 16, 2012

Jump on the Blog Bus or Get Left Behind

Search engines have been wising up lately and that makes your website harder to find! One of the best ways to get found, says Google, is to constantly update your content. The bestest, most easiest way to do that: Blogging.

Blogging is not just for disgruntled adolescents anymore (which is precisely how I started, by the by) and it's certainly not just for the prolific of opinion. You don't need to write an essay once a day and you don't need to spend hours prowling the internet for relevant content. You don't even need to "engage in conversation". 

What you need is to update your content on a regular basis. 

Figure out what you could say once or twice a week that's relevant to your business and what potential customers might search for to find your business. Do you have a soup of the day? A special promotion? A contest and that contest's winner? Do you have loyal customers that might appreciate being publicly appreciated? Do you have a student who has overcome some obstacle that deserves mention? What's new in your neighborhood?

Write a little blurb, use some searchable keywords, add a picture if you got one and that... is that.

Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy!

Check out bloggerwordpress, or livejournal to start a free-standing blog or see if your website is blog-compatible. Weebly and Intuit have blogs built right in to the design software! 

Ask your website administrator or email for advice! 

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